About The Hackathon

Are you passionate about solving urban challenges and creating smarter cities? The Parking Innovation Challenge is a collaborative effort by WAFOUNDATION and partnered with TZBZ, Spain and MTA, Spain to address the pressing issue of parking in our cities. This hackathon provides a platform for bright minds, developers, and enthusiasts to come together and devise innovative solutions for a more efficient and sustainable parking future.

What to Expect

Inspiring Challenges

Participants will encounter real-world parking problems, co-designed with city authorities and industry experts, to ensure their relevance and impact.


Industry experts will guide and support teams throughout the hackathon, providing valuable insights to refine their ideas.

Ready to Go Market Assistance

We are committed to assisting the winners by providing a comprehensive and effective ready-to-go market strategy, ensuring their innovative ideas reach the market with maximum impact.


Top-performing teams with the most promising and innovative solutions stand a chance to win exciting prizes and recognition.


WAFOUNDATION is an urban sustainability research organization based in Pune, India, dedicated to promoting sustainable development and environmental conservation across various Indian cities. The organization aims to address the challenges posed by rapid urbanization, population growth, and the increasing pressure on natural resources.

WAFOUNDATION adopts a multi-disciplinary approach that involves collaboration with government bodies, local communities, academic institutions, and other stakeholders. By combining research, policy analysis, and practical implementation, the organization seeks to make a tangible impact on urban sustainability.

WAFOUNDATION's dedication to urban sustainability research and advocacy has positioned it as a leading organization in India's sustainability landscape. Through its comprehensive approach and impactful projects, the foundation continues to contribute to the creation of greener, more resilient, and sustainable cities for a better future.



TZBZ Spain is a cooperative that was founded in 2013 by a group of farmers and activists who wanted to create a more sustainable and equitable food system. The cooperative works with over 100 farmers to produce organic fruits and vegetables, which are sold directly to consumers through a network of CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture) and retail outlets. TZBZ Spain is also committed to social justice, and it works to ensure that its farmers are fairly compensated for their work.

TZBZ Spain's practices are designed to reduce the environmental impact of food production. The cooperative uses organic farming methods, which help to protect the soil and water quality. TZBZ Spain also reduces food waste by carefully planning its crop yields and by working with consumers to ensure that all of the food that is produced is consumed.

TZBZ Spain's social impact is also significant. The cooperative provides fair wages to its farmers, which helps to improve their quality of life. TZBZ Spain also supports local economies by purchasing its produce from local farmers. Additionally, the cooperative promotes healthy eating by providing consumers with access to fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. TZBZ Spain is an example of how a cooperative can be used to create a more sustainable and equitable food system. The cooperative's practices are helping to protect the environment, improve the lives of farmers, and promote healthy eating.



Mondragon Team Academy (MTA) is an international community of team entrepreneurs who are committed to creating social impact. MTA offers a variety of programs that help teams develop the skills and knowledge they need to launch and grow successful social enterprises.

MTA was founded in 2011 by Mondragon Corporation, a worker cooperative based in the Basque Country, Spain. The academy is based on the principles of cooperation, participation, and solidarity. MTA's mission is to "empower people to create a more just and equitable world."



Mondragon University is a private university based in the Basque Country, Spain. It is a cooperative university, which means that it is owned and governed by its members. Mondragon University is committed to providing high-quality education that prepares students for the challenges of the 21st century.

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