
Posted On: Dec 20, 2022

SDG 17 – Partnerships For The Goals

As per the United Nations approximately $5 trillion investment is required to achieve the SDGs. Around $147.2 billion total is the total ODA, Official Development Assistance. There are around $613 billion total international remittances. Six countries have met the target of 0.7% ODA to GDP. There are around $155.5 billion global green bonds. Below mentioned are the targets defined by the UN to achieve SDG 17:

  1. Strengthen domestic resource mobilization
  2. Achieve the target of 0.7 percent of ODA/GNI to developing countries
  3. Mobilize financial resources for developing countries from multiple sources
  4. Assist developing countries in long-term debt sustainability through debt financing, debt relief and debt restructuring
  5. Investment promotion regimes for least developed countries
  6. International cooperation for scient, technology and innovation
  7. Development, transfer, dissemination and diffusions of environmentally sound technologies to developing countries
  8. Technology bank, technology and innovation mechanism for least developed countries
  9. Effective capacity-building in developing countries to implement all the SDGs
  10. Universal, rules-based, and equitable multilateral trading system under the WTO
  11. Doubling the least developed countries’ share of global exports
  12. Duty-free market access for all least developed countries
  13. Enhance global macroeconomic stability, through policy coordination
  14. Policy coherence for sustainable development
  15. Respect each country’s space to implement policies for poverty eradication and sustainable development
  16. Global partnership for sustainable development, multi-stakeholder partnerships
  17. Effective public-private and civil society partnerships
  18. Enhance capacity-building support to developing countries, to increase the availability of high-quality data
  19. Develop measurement of sustainable development that complement Gross Domestic Product, in developing countries
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